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Jest to naprawdę niezły serv... ale ma też dużo debugów |
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Mam dla was Old School Server 7.6
Otóż oddaje wam mój server nad którym posidziałem trroche przed kompem. Nie wydawało mi sie że mój server zaciągnie tylu graczy ale cóż miałem szczęście. Server ten ma dużo funkcjie ale też parę bugów które moż nie są dośc ważne ale śa (np. z domkami: żeby gracz mógł sobie sam kupic domek to tylko od 100 lvl;'a) Oddaje wam OTS z taką sama konfiguracją jaką był ustawiony pod czas hostowania. Jest ta sama mapa te same nowe itemy. Oddaje OTSa ponieważ kończe już z OTSami i tibią xD A będzie mi bardzo miło jak kiedys wejdę na jakiegoś OTSa i zobacze że to mój ![]() Silnik: (by Darex11) Kod: Server based on YurOTS 7.6: 0.9.0, 0.9.1, 0.9.2, 0.9.4, 0.9.4a, 0.9.4b, 0.9.4c and Devland. - Raids - Monster disable after ** sq (change in config.lua) - Dustbin working - Parcel system (I make 10 city) - /giveexp - Players online Record - Hicks Working - /changesex (change in config.lua) - GM talking on channals on RED - monsters drunkness player - watch working - Bed System - black square - blueberry working - Orange Tree working - Fire axe and fire sword atack with fire.... - Thunder hammer atack with energy.... - Going up or down by parcels and others... - Life ring and ring of healing (change in config.lua, don`t work in PZ) - Blue robe increas magic damages - Going up or down by parcels - getPlayer - addteleport/removeteleport - Mystic Turban increase MAgic atack (change in config.lua) - Move up function - fields loading from map - Paralyze (change in files monster paralyze="1" <-- ON paralyze="0" <--- OFF) - Premium tile - NPC for changing SEX - Showing price when you look at house - You need have Premmium to Sleep and buy House - /iname itemname, count (example: /iname fire axe, 1) - You can't Exiva GM - Stackables GROUND to GROUND - UH remove parlyze - Bless - When you cast spell what you dont know, You see words like that "You need learn it to cast" - players can move items on higher or lower floors - Yellow skull's - Depot Tiles - When you login at banned character you wil see "This character has been Banished" - GET_ITEM (ACTION) - You can take EQ from BackPAck to EQ_SLOT - Monsters walking diagonals - Extausted for healing spells - Mana regeneration when sleep (change in config.lua) - Stonecutter axe (destroy stone ID's: 3634, 1356, 3615) - Added Level doors - DEPOT TILES - ACTION ontile/offtile - Action onMove - Shield working (50%) Taking Defense only from right hand) - Monster Poison ("You was poisioned") - Premium system "!buypremmy" (change in config.lua, translated Polish) - Hoouse system "!buyhouse" (change in config.lua, translated Polish) - Fix !buyhouse command (now deleted door-owner, sub owner) - NPC sell containers (can buy bp runes etc.) - Rare set (change in config.lua) - You advanced to magic level ... and level- like RL Tibia - Guild Leader and Vice Leader talking in other colors - Anty Boot Rune (other look rune) - Licznik potworow/NPC - Good, new MAP - Trade Ticks - Fast Attack (change in config.lua) - First Attack (change in config.lua) - Commands: /tp !www (change in config.lua) !credits !info !redskull - Report files in data/other - All reloaded (monsters,actions,config,commands) - Removed Walk To - Removed Color Exp (but is bad ) - Waight Ring Mapa: Kod: Enforteria + około 50% dorobiłem Dorobiłe też bardzo dużó questów itp. zresztą sami sprawdzcie:D Link Do OTS'a Z Mapą: Kod: http://www.badongo.com/file/2728689 SCAN: Kod: http://virusscan.jotti.org Kod: Scan taken on 12 Apr 2007 09:11:58 (GMT) AntiVir Found nothing ArcaVir Found nothing Avast Found nothing AVG Antivirus Found nothing BitDefender Found nothing ClamAV Found nothing Dr.Web Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus Found nothing F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing Fortinet Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing NOD32 Found nothing Norman Virus Control Found nothing Panda Antivirus Found nothing Rising Antivirus Found nothing VirusBuster Found nothing VBA32 Found nothing Tu macie AccMaker: Kod: http://www.badongo.com/file/2741794 Scan: Kod: http://virusscan.jotti.org Kod: Scan taken on 13 Apr 2007 10:21:38 (GMT) AntiVir Found nothing ArcaVir Found nothing Avast Found nothing AVG Antivirus Found nothing BitDefender Found nothing ClamAV Found nothing Dr.Web Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus Found nothing F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing Fortinet Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing NOD32 Found nothing Norman Virus Control Found nothing Panda Antivirus Found nothing Rising Antivirus Found nothing VirusBuster Found nothing VBA32 Found nothing |